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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between a Standard, Pro, and Expert Medical Cost Projection?
Standard Medical Cost Projections are built by a user on the Access portal with treatments and procedures selected from our system of over 800 services. Standard Medical Cost Projections cost $500 and are completed in 1-2 business days. A Standard Medical Cost Projection is usable in settlement negotiations but will need to be upgraded to Expert for use in trial.Pro Medical Cost Projections are built by AccuMed’s team of Certified Professional Coders with a provided treatment recommendation from a medical professional. Pro Medical Cost Projections cost $950 and are completed in 5-7 business days. A Pro Medical Cost Projection is usable in settlement negotiations but will need to be upgraded to Expert for use in trial.Expert Medical Cost Projections are built by a qualified Expert who also opines to the value of the recommended future treatment. Expert Medical Cost Projections cost $2,950 and are completed in approximately 3 weeks.What does Reasonable Value mean?
The Reasonable Value is calculated at the 80th percentile of charges for same or similar services from providers in the patient’s area. The 80th percentile method for valuing medical charges is an acceptable metric utilized by experts in the healthcare industry to determine the “usual, customary, and reasonable” amount between two uncontracted parties, such as a patient and a provider. The 80th percentile is widely used because it gives a patient reasonable access to healthcare.
What kind of data is used to support an AccuMed analysis?
AccuMed uses data sourced from the Department of Health and Human Services, Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP), American Hospital Directory (AHD), and other government sources.
Are paid amounts used in an AccuMed analysis?
No, AccuMed analyses are based on charged amounts before any contracted rates, payments, or discounts would apply. Billed charges are the most accurate metric to establish reasonable value as this is the charge regardless of the payer.
What if I can't find the treatment or procedure I need from the Standard Medical Cost Projection options available?
Get in touch with us at or 844-307-4487. We may be able to help you interpret the provider’s recommendation and guide you to the appropriate package in our system. In some cases, a Pro Medical Cost Projection may be recommended.
What if a patient lives in one area and plans to receive treatment elsewhere?
If a patient is expected to travel greater than 30 miles to receive treatment, we recommend providing the location where the treatment is likely to take place instead of the patient’s home address.
How much does it cost to get a Pro or Expert Medical Cost Projection if I have already paid for a Standard Medical Cost Projection?
You will be credited any amount already paid when invoiced for a different level report. The difference between a Standard Medical Cost Projection and a Pro Medical Cost Projection is $450. The difference between a Standard Medical Cost Projection and an Expert Medical Cost Projection is $2,450.
Does AccuMed have a Life Care Planner?
The AccuMed team does not currently include a Life Care Planner or any medical professionals that can determine necessary future treatment. We rely on the recommendations from a medical professional to build our Medical Cost Projections.
When should I use AccuMed instead of a Life Care Planner?
For clearly defined future medical care, AccuMed is faster, less expensive, and utilizes data to support estimates. If you have a catastrophic case that requires certain expenses like home-health, ancillary services (ie housekeeping, landscaping, etc.) and durable medical equipment (ie shower benches, canes, wheelchairs, etc.) we recommend seeking the services of a Life Care Planner.
What is valuable about getting an AccuMed report instead of using a company like FairHealth to look up costs?
AccuMed reports incorporate all aspects of recommended treatment from pre-op to post-op. We provide a report that can be sent to opposing counsel and/or used in mediation and settlement negotiations. AccuMed’s data sources can be found within the report with full transparency. Additionally, Experts are available when needed to opine to data in an AccuMed report.
Is AccuMed a Life Care Planner?
No, we are not. AccuMed relies on the recommendations of a medical professional, such as a physician, in order to price out the reasonable value of future treatment.
Why would I not just use a Life Care Planner?
For clearly defined future medical care, AccuMed is faster, less expensive, and utilizes data to support estimates. If you have a catastrophic case that requires certain expenses like home-health, ancillary services (ie housekeeping, landscaping, etc.), and durable medical equipment (ie shower benches, canes, wheelchairs, etc.) we recommend seeking a Life Care Planner.
Why would I not use a company like FairHealth to get data?
FairHealth does not provide a report you can send to opposing counsel that compiles all aspects of the recommended treatment. FairHealth’s data sources and methodologies are not transparent. Additionally, unlike AccuMed, FairHealth does not provide Expert Witness services.
When do I need to engage an AccuMed Expert?
You can choose to engage an Expert at any point, but it is necessary if you plan to disclose an AccuMed Expert for the case.
What makes AccuMed Experts qualified to opine to Reasonable Value?
AccuMed Experts have various backgrounds with strengths in different areas applicable to value analysis of medical billed charges. All AccuMed Experts are well versed in our proprietary technology and supporting databases. Each Expert formulates their opinion in the areas of medical billing, data analytics, and valuation based on their individual methodologies and professional experience.
Can AccuMed Experts write rebuttals?
Yes, AccuMed Experts can write rebuttals and do so regularly. Contact AccuMed at or 844-307-4487 to request a rebuttal.